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Using SSRS to report SSAS 2008 database structure using DMVs
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New SSAS 2008 DMVs allows you to easily access Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) metadata - information about cubes, dimensions, measure groups, measures, etc. As with DMVs metadata information is returned in the data set format, it is very easy to build Reporting Services reports to generate documentation about your database.

When developing cubes, generating a functional design is a must, but... not always we have the time to generate a technical design (and keep it up to date is a pain in the neck).

In this post you will find how to generate the documentation directly from your SSAS 2008 cube (reverse engineering), quite interesting and quite useful to have always you doc updated to the last change.

In this post you will find even SSRS report templates to generated the doc for you.