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Latest Articles: .net >> Windows Forms

Transparent, Click-Through Forms
Entry Date: Sep 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0;
Article Description:
How to make a form transparent to the mouse, or click-through, so that mouse clicks end up going to whatever is behind the transparent form.
Very interesting article that describes how to make a window transparent to mouse events.
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Disabling Close button on Forms
Entry Date: Sep 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0;
Article Description:
How to disable the Close button on C# Win Forms
How to disable the Close button on C# Win Forms
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Data Binding an Enum with Descriptions
Entry Date: Sep 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0;
Article Description:
A simple solution for binding an enum to a UI control using data binding.
This article shows how to bind enum values to a drop down in a very easy and useful way.
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A data-bound multi-column combobox
Entry Date: Jul 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating:
keywords:ADO .net; DataSet;
Article Description:
An ownerdrawn multi-column combobox class with support for data-binding

A classic on clients request... "I want this combo box to have columns and a nice format". Don't reinvent the wheel, with this sample you will get a nice combo with columns and even databound.

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Getting the Most Out of Windows Forms Data Binding
Entry Date: Jul 2007 site: ASP Alliance Rating:
keywords:ADO .net;
Article Description:
This article outlines the interfaces and classes that you will need to get the most out of Windows Forms data binding.

Windows forms databinding... good to know if you come from ASP .net development and want to know the power of binding in forms.

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Not just another Color Picker...
Entry Date: Jun 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0; VB .net;
Article Description:
An advanced Color-Picker control for your VB.NET applications.
If you need a color picker for your application and the default one doesn't satisfy you, check this article. Elkay makes a VB dialog that will make color picking easier for your users.
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Vista Style Button in C#
Entry Date: Jun 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0;
Article Description:
A Vista style Buttton in .Net 1.1
Interesting article that explains how to create Windows Vista-style buttons using .Net. It focuses in the necessary code and shows how easy (and tricky) it is. Recommended if you like to use those eye-catching controls in your apps using .Net 2.
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Bat file compiler
Entry Date: Jun 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0;
Article Description:
An article deskribing how to convert bat file to executable
Very cool application that compiles a batch file into an executable. All the source code is provided so you can learn, for example, how to generate the target exe from code.
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Vista Style Progress Bar in C#
Entry Date: Jun 2007 site: Code Project Latest 10 Articles Rating: framework 2.0;
Article Description:
A Vista style Progress Bar complete with color property and animation
Do you want to make a vista-like customizable progress bar for your application? Well, read this and find out the solution Tom gives us.
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Displaying Crystal Reports using WinForms and C#
Entry Date: Jun 2007 site: ASP Alliance Rating:
Article Description:
In this article, Eric shows how to use Crystal Reports in a Windows Form application.

Brief intro about how to use Crystal reports on WinForms applications.

It's funny, because the article talks about people used to crystal reports and the asp .net implementation... some years ago was the other way around.

Nowdays you have to decide whether use Crystal Reprots, or Reporting Services SSRS.

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Data Points: Column Expressions, DataRelations, and Computations
Entry Date: Nov 2006 site: MSDN Magazine Rating: framework 2.0; ADO .net;
Article Description:
This month John Papa fields some of his favorite questions regarding data manipulation with ADO.NET.

ADO .net advanced features to performa calculations over child / parent relations, and aggregate functions, without hitting the database twice.

All samples are implemented on WinForms

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