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OData and the NetFlix Catalog API
Entry Date: Jun 2010 site: Blog Spot Rating:
keywords:ASP .net; ODATA;
Article Description:
The Netflix OData Catalog API was announced during the second keynote of Mix10 earlier this year. This announcement also meant that the live preview of the service was now publicly available. This means that all of the movie information built into the Netflix site (movies, actors, genres, release dates, etc.) is now available through an easy to consume service.
Nice ASP .net sample application, consuming OData sources.
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Improve GridView Performance by Delegating Paging to SQL Server
Entry Date: Jun 2010 site: Nerdy Musings Rating:
keywords:ASP .net;
Article Description:
The ASP.NET GridView control is an extremely powerful tool that gives you just about everything you need to manage the sorting and paging of a web page grid with minimal coding effort. However, this power comes at a high price in terms of performance and scalability. As the number of rows in your data source increases, performance falls off dramatically and you waste serious server memory resources to render each page of grid rows.

GridView by default implements paging and sorting, that it's ok if your queries just return a hundred of records... you can have serious performance issues if your query can return a big amout of records (everything is fetched on every post).

You can implement custom paging (object data source + SQL Server 2005 / 2008 new stuff), but is not something straight forward. This article explains you how to implement that step by step, even you can download a full sample project.

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Why don't I see traffic sent to localhost?
Entry Date: May 2010 site: Fiddler Rating:
Article Description:
Internet Explorer and the .NET Framework are hardcoded not to send requests for Localhost through any proxies, and as a proxy, Fiddler will not receive such traffic.

We all know the localhost./ trick to sniff local traffic on Fiddler, there are other options (machine name, ...), you can check them in this Q&A

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Entry Date: Nov 2009 site: Brenelz Rating:
Article Description:
The other day when working on my latest website; I had everything working fine until I decided to check how things looked in IE. Usually IE7 plays pretty well, but in this instance there was a pretty crucial problem. I had an absolutely positioned div (hover menu) and under it I had a transparent PNG that was also absolutely positioned as well.

Do you remember the IE6 combobox / DIV z-index issue? Well that was fixed but... playing with a text area on IE7 found a similar issue, oh my god !! well same issue, but different root cause relative z-index on parent DIV, take a look to this solution.

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Avoiding JavaScript and CSS Stylesheet Caching Problems in ASP.NET
Entry Date: Nov 2009 site: Solution Mania Rating:
keywords:ASP .net; Java Script; Cache;
Article Description:
We frequently run into problems related to caching when building ASP.NET websites. In particular, changes to CSS Stylesheets and JavaScript files on which the sites rely. After a new release our clients often have problems until they manually clear their browser cache. Some of our clients sit behind a proxy server which has its own cache, making the situation even worse.

Javascript files and avoid messing with browser caching... this article is a great reminder... whe you run into that trouble just give a quick read and implement it your way :)

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Javascript Structure and objects reference
Entry Date: Nov 2009 site: Khurram Rating:
keywords:Java Script;
Article Description:
Javascript, Structure and Objects Reference.

nice javascript quick reference guide, good to use when you don't remember how was done a basic javsacript thing.

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ASP .net ListBox FAQ
Entry Date: Nov 2009 site: Syncfusion Rating:
keywords:ASP .net;
Article Description:
Questions and answers in this FAQ have been collected from newsgroup posts, various mailing lists and the employees of Syncfusion.

If you need to make advanced stuff with an ASP .net ListBox in this FAQ you will find some good answers, quite useful.

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Asp net Ajax Toolkit Getting Key Value
Entry Date: Oct 2009 site: Lazy Loading Rating:
keywords:ASP .net; AJAX ASP .net; Java Script;
Article Description:
Originally the Autocomplete Extender lacked very important functionality - ability to operate with key-value pairs. If you think about that, the Google search auto complete serves its purpose - the resulting string IS the value which is important for the postback, but it is scarcely the case for the 98% of non-search applications. We need control to mimic dropdown list - so gimme ya money let me keep the value for the entered text! Such a functionality was added some time ago but regretfully the feature was left undocumented.

The right way to have a key / value combination on an AutocompleteExtender (asp .net AJAX toolkit).

Great article, easy to apply in your real code.

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Resetting Password with ASP.NET 2.0 Membership
Entry Date: Mar 2009 site: Peter Kellner Rating:
keywords:ASP .net; .net framework 2.0; Security;
Article Description:
If you ever have wanted to be able to programmatically change (reset) a users password while at the same time continuing to be able to use the question and answer feature, this post is for you

Interesting an user asked me to reset a password on an ASP .net 2.0 security based site... I went to the web admin tool and found that is not possible from there to reset a password (just edit user name and some attributes).

In this article you will find the exact lines of codes to reset a password by code (4 lines of code, do not forget to include in the usings: using System.Web.Security).

This article goes on step beyon and solves an issue of skipping the asking question to reset a password.

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File Upload with ASP.NET
Entry Date: Nov 2008 site: codeproject Rating:
keywords:ASP .net; .net framework 2.0;
Article Description:
Back in the ASP world, uploading files via a web page was a tricky problem. The problem was that due to the encryption type of the form used to submit the file from the client's browser, receiving such files on the server side was a complex task. Data had to be retrieved as a safe byte array and decrypted before it could be used. Most of the people resorted to 3rd party DLLs. A few wrote their own DLLs and some even wrote purely ASP solutions to this problem using VBScript. Fortunately for us, the .NET Framework SDK comes with a few classes that make uploading of the files simple from the web developer point of view.

Quite interesting, file upload is a must on most of nowdays applications, it can expose your application to security vulnerabilities.

This article will explain you how does the .net framework and ASP .net 2.0 implement this functionallity (upload files, images jpeg gif png, documents...)

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ASP .net state management: ViewState
Entry Date: Oct 2008 site: ASP net Resources Rating:
keywords:ASP .net; Viewstate; Security;
Article Description:
ASP.NET view state is a great feature and an essential tool for web development of today. It maintains the state of a page as it travels back and forth. There is no more need to worry about restoring values of page controls between postbacks. In this article you will get an in-depth perspective on view state. We will talk about ways of reducing unnecessary payload and protecting view state from prying eyes.

ASP .net ViewState is something that most of developers are using without even knowing that it exists, you only realize about this when you start having performance issues or your application is not working properly on a server farm (something like MD5 MAC viewstate validation failed...).

This articles explains you very basic concepts, good to start learning what in the hell is ViewState, why is not easy to get rid of it, why is useful, and where you should pay attention.

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